Thursday, November 13, 2008

More claymotion videos

Wow, there seems to be quite a few videos with claymotion appearing on youtube and other places. Here are three new ones that I came across this week.

Steve Hoggan sent me this link to a guy in Japan who has some interesting claymotion stuff that he is working on.

Here is Reuben doing some more great three ball juggling where he has a fair bit of multiplex moves, start/stop moves, as well as some claymotion moves at the end of the video.

Here is a video I was excited to see. I met Taylor at the 2008 IJA and she was called "The Sponge" because of her ability to pick up tricks VERY quickly. I think she had just learned some of the claymotion moves at the IJA and also came to the claymotion workshop I gave there. She put some great stuff in the video and I'm looking forward to other videos from her.

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